10 Minute Devotionals

5-Day Encouraging Devotional & Reading Plans

We all lead busy lives. From being super human at work to being super all-the-things at home, we can often lay in bed at night and wonder "Where did my day go?" But... if we could give up 10 minutes a day. Just ten minutes, to read encouraging words from God's Word, can you imagine the joy you could experience?

The drab day of laundry and a messy kitchen would lead to hope-filled thoughts of how you can find joy in Christ.

The run, run, run days would lead to peaceful realization that you can find rest in Christ.

The constant give, give, give would lead to knowing you are enough in Christ.

Just 10 minutes a day of reading your Bible. That's all it would take. And we've got just the place for you to start.

10 Minute Devotional & Reading Plans

10 Minutes to JOY

5-day Devotional & Reading Plan on Psalm 16

10 Minutes to REST

5-day Devotional & Reading Plan on Finding Rest


5-day Devotional & Reading Plan on Worry



CHARA Bible Study Guide

Learn to Study the Bible with this Simple Guide

Finding Joy Bible Study

3-Week Bible Study on Discovering Joy

Reading Plans

Reading Plans to Help You Find JOY through the Bible

The Chara Project Podcast

A Weekly Podcast to Equip You To Understand and Study the Bible