Finding Joy Reading Plan & Devotional



Let’s be completely honest. FEELING joy is not the same as LIVING in joy. We strive to locate the recipe, but we remain hungry for the kind of joy that won’t exit our hearts when life takes an unexpected turn of difficulty or defeat. Have you been there?

After trying so hard to fabricate moments of joy, we grow weary because lasting, life-altering joy is not a place to go, a thing to do, or a prize to behold.  Friends, joy that will satisfy your soul like nothing else is found in the Bible!

Many of us “know” that God is the source of joy and the author of every good thing, but most of us can’t comprehend “how” Biblical truth can change our lives.

This 3-day reading plan and devotional will walk you through three life-altering Biblical passages that will explore how we can find true joy. We are so glad you are joining us and we can’t wait for you to experience the joy these passages will bring as you discover God’s mighty love as the sure source of both safety and delight to those who take refuge in His unmerited grace.

Get a beautifully designed PRINTABLE VERSION of the reading plan and devotional to use as you study on your own or with a friend, or ACCESS IT FREE ONLINE below.

finding joy reading plan


Finding Joy Bible Study

3-Week Bible Study on Finding True Joy

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