Upper Room Reading Plan & Devotional



Imagine that you knew the last day you would be here on earth. What would you do? For most of us, we would spend time with our family and friends. We would express all the things that we wanted to say before we were gone. 

Well, that’s exactly what happened in the upper room in John 13-17. Jesus knew that He would soon be arrested, put on trial and sent to Calvary. He sat in the upper room with His disciples and He took that moment to pour out every thought, every piece of advice, every lesson and every prayer He could - so they did not miss one thing. 

These were the final teachings of Christ before His death, which help us realize that they were also pretty important. By writing this gospel, John opens the door to the upper room allowing us to see how Jesus prepared His disciples for His death, and how all His followers can prepare their hearts to celebrate His resurrection each Easter. 

This 6-day reading plan and devotional will walk you through the final teachings of Christ in John 13-17. We are so glad you are joining us and we can’t wait for you to experience the joy these passages will bring as we celebrate the promises kept by Jesus in the upper room.

Get a beautifully designed PRINTABLE VERSION of the reading plan to use as you study on your own or with a friend, or ACCESS IT FREE ONLINE below.

john reading plan


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6-Week Bible Study on the Final Teachings of Christ in John 13-17.

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